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DAY 10


The last day of school in Austria is usually great because every student is looking forward to the holidays but today was our last day of EC- school and unfortunately that means Cambridge is coming to an end soon. Our last English classes were just the same as usual. We made a few worksheets. This time they were about James Veitch, if you don’t know him you have to google him. He’s an English comedian and when we saw one of his videos on YouTube, we couldn’t help laughing because it was so funny. The last ten minutes of our three hours of school was our graduation. We all had to go to a teacher one by one to get our final certificate. It was in front of all the pupils of 5th grade and it was fun but also a bit embarrassing because Ms. Haider always wanted to take a picture of us. After this we talked, we laughed and made some silly photos. It was 12 o’clock and we were “free”, as Ms. Mair had said.

In the afternoon we could do everything we wanted if we had finished our fieldwork. Azra and I had already finished it on Wednesday and as Azra was ill and had to stay at the host family today I went with Hannah and Hanna. I wanted to go to a comic bookshop and it was great for me that I could find the comics I had been looking for. After this they had finished their fieldwork about shops, too. As we were hungry, we looked for a restaurant but in some there was no free table and in the others it was too expensive. So, I had to take my bus back to Cambourne without lunch.  It’ s such a lovely place with beautiful landscape and very friendly people but it takes about 50 minutes to get there by bus. At first, I was alone on the bus but after 20 minutes an old friendly looking lady came up to me and we had a little chat. She told me about her grandchildren and really funny stories about her cat. It was hilarious and one of the funniest bus rides I’ve ever had. When I came home I took the host family’s dog Pal for a short walk and after that Azra and I had a delicious dinner with our host family.

Tomorrow we’ re flying home again and I’m not sure if I should be glad or sad. These ten days I have made friends with my host family and it hurts already when I think about leaving them in less than 12 hours. Cambridge was a great experience. It had its ups and downs but I can say for sure that I would like to go on a language trip again.   


By  Diana  Messner 5b       


EC School Staff




Afternoon Activity

Franziskanergymnasium Hall in Tirol, Kathreinstraße 6, 6060 Hall in Tirol, Österreich

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