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The first challenge on the second day was to find the rigth bus. We passet this part, but then our problem was to get on the bus. Hanna asked the bus driver for a Megarider (=a 7 day bus card) and he answered: ,, I'm afraid but I have no more left. The next bus is here in about 8 minutes.“ We thougth it was  no problem because we had quite some time to get to Drumer Street bus station, our meeting point. After we had waited for 8 minutes, the next bus arrived. This time it was Hannah‘s turn to ask the bus driver for the ticket, and he said:,,My apology but you have to wait for the next bus.“ Finally, we got our tickets oin the next bus and the adventure went on after arriving.

We got split up into 3 groups and very nice local tour guides showed us the heart of Cambridge. First we went to the famous pub ,,The Eagle“. It is the place where Francis Crick and James Watson announced  that they had discovered ,,the Secret of live“ also called DNA. This pub is popular for his bath because that was pure luxury at that time, and for the always open window. The touching story behind this is that it was burning in this house and one little girl could not get out of her room because all the windows and doors were locked. They had been leaving open that window since then to let the ghost of hers come and go whenever she likes. 

Then she mentionted that Cambridge University is about 800 years old, so they are the second oldest after ,,the others". They have always been in competition with Oxford and that is why they do not call their name, they are only ,,the others“. She told us that there were around 30 colleges in Cambridge. The Tour guide explained that Trinity College is the biggest and richest one, other ones would be King‘s College or for example Pembroke College. We went into the chapel  of Pembroke College, St. Cathrin’s, which was built by Christopher Wren. 

Later in the afternoon we went to the EC school and straight into our classes. We learned, played, had fun and the day passed without any other problems.


By Hanna Gatt and Hannah Kirchmair 5b



This morning Miriam an I had to run to the bus station, which was shown to us by our host sister yesterday evening, but we managed to be there half a minute before the bus arrived, so it was okay. It was irritating to see the cars coming from the wrong side and to step onto the bus from the left. The worst are roundabouts!

I hoped we would get off at the right station, because there is nothing in the buses that shows which station is the next one and there aren't names at the bus stops either! But we arrived at our meeting point on time.

We met up with our classmates at Drummer Street bus station, then we split up into four groups and had a guided tour through the centre of Cambridge.


We saw Great Saint Mary's Church, where some people like to climb up the tower and King's College, which is one of the biggest colleges of Cambridge University, after Trinity College. We went to the Eagle Pub, where people, who made the two-day-journey from London to Cambridge lots of years ago, came to put their horses into the stables and to have something to eat, drink and have a bath. Soldiers from the Second World War, who were stationed in Cambridge, came here and wrote their names on the walls and the ceiling, before they went to fight the next day and maybe never came back... . There was also a plaque with the names of the scientists, who had discovered the DNA helix.

We visited a college, whose church is really nice. There are two pews for the people and for the choir, which can do the “Call-and-Response”. On the left-hand-side of a window there is a picture of John Harvard, who studied in Cambridge and then went to the USA.

I also saw a really interesting sundial with latin numbers.

At St. Catherine's College we saw a big periodic table on the grass, because it is the International Year of the Periodic Table.


After the tour, we were all very, very cold, because of the wind, and we went to an Italian restaurant called "Zizzi". It was really nice, and the food was good, too. I had pizza and apple juice, then some hot chocolate, but most of my friends had hot chocolate brownies with ice cream for dessert, which, they said, tasted incredibly good. After that, we went to a sweets shop, a Harry Potter shop and a tourist shop, to get some presents and souvenirs, but I'll go back there when I have got more time. 


After visiting the shop, we met up again with our teachers and classmates and went to EC School, where we split up into different groups and did some exercises with our "teacher" Nick, short for Nicholas, who is really nice and funny. He got married on a mountain in the USA and is part of an acapella group called Acapells.

So, tomorrow we are going to London, I am really excited! We‘ll see…


By Messner Luca 5a

Franziskanergymnasium Hall in Tirol, Kathreinstraße 6, 6060 Hall in Tirol, Österreich

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