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Ivana and I had got up at 6:30am to get ready. When we looked out of the window, we were very unmotivated and a little bit pissed because the weather was very misty and it seemed to rain. It was 7:50 when we left our host family and went to our bus. We arrived at 8:30 at Drummer Street bus station and went to our meeting point at EC school. We had lessons until 12 o’clock and then we had free time to do some shopping and to get lunch with our classmates. At 3 o’clock we met up at Mill Lane and went to thenearby punting station. We had to wait there for  a few minutes, but as soon as we could enter the boats we did so. We were very happy because the weather turned out beautiful and it had about 17 degrees. After 30 minutes of fun we arrived back at the station and did 2 interviews for our fieldwork. When all students were back from their trips, Professor Mair told us the plan for the next day and we were allowed to go home. Quickly, we went to the supermarket and bought water and went to the bus to go home. Tired we arrived at the host family, had dinner and went to bed.


By Lutz Ivana and Wolny Naomi 5b



DOING AN INTERVIEW with Lawrence, who runs the punting station




Today was a little bit less exciting than the other day I had

written about, but it was still very interesting and nice.

In the morning we had to go to school, which would not be

that bad, as our teacher is hilarious, if there wasn’t that one

boy, who keeps talking all the time and because of whom

I was in quite a bad mood, which only a Chai Latte from

Cafe Nero could fix.

After school, where we learned a lot of new vocabulary,

we had a break for three hours. I spent those hours with

Natalie, Eva, Kali, Samuel and Niklas, with whom I had

a lot of fun and a really enjoyable time. At first we went

to Poundland, which is a pretty cheap supermarket and got

some lunch, whereas Samuel and Niklas went to KFC.

After we had bought all our food, we went to a park, just

sat on the ground and shared all of our food. I think I will

never forget this lunch, because it was so funny and unique,

and I almost never do anything like that at home, which is

pretty sad and I want to change it badly now.


Then we went to Waterstones, a huge bookshop - and if I say huge I mean it has three floors – which has all these great new books which haven’t been published anywhere else yet. I think it is unbelievable that there are so many books which are actually all different stories. I’ve never really thought about this before, but as I saw all these different books, I couldn’t help thinking about the fact that all these stories had to be written by somebody and how crazy it is that people had made up so many different fictional stories to write down. I really enjoyed the atmosphere of the bookshop because everybody was just quiet, looking for books and reading some of them. After I had bought four books, which I am really happy about, I saw an advertisement for a book of my favourite bookseries, which will be published tomorrow (April 9, 2019). Because of that, I am planning on going back to that shop again tomorrow and I can’t wait to do so.

Although I didn’t really want to leave this wonderful place, we had to because we were going punting. On our way to get there we went past our favourite shop for sweets and bought some which were as tasty as we expected them to be. After a twenty-minute walk and waiting for a few minutes, we finally got to the punting place. The boat was quite difficult to steer and since we just had time for half an hour, we didn’t go that far away from our “harbour”. But it was still very exciting, even though some of my friends decided to play around with the water and got our boat wet. I didn’t expect us to get back dry and unhurt, but we did.

Then we just walked around Cambridge and ended up on a playground writing our diaries.


By Margreiter Jasmin 5a

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Franziskanergymnasium Hall in Tirol, Kathreinstraße 6, 6060 Hall in Tirol, Österreich

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