Today is Tuesday, April 9. We had to get up very early and be ready for
school. Our school here in Cambridge is called EC school and is close
to the city centre. Our teacher is really nice and we have lots of fun
together. Today we talked about business and we had to invent our
own organisation. Ours was very big and we sold flying cars.
In the afternoon we visited the huge Aircraft Museum in DUXFORD.
It had 8 hangars with different themes, for example:
“Second World War“, “D-Day“ and others. We saw different planes,
weapons and also tanks. It was very interesting to learn how people
thought in times of war and which strategies they used to survive.
We also had some tasks to do just such as finding out what role
horses played in the First World War or why the helmets of the soldiers had a certain size and shape. It was also very interesting to see the development of the airplanes between the two world wars, concerning size, shape and arms.
At the end of the day we were very tired, but it was a great and also very interesting day.
By Maier Simon 5b



We, Hannah and Victoria started our day nice and early at six o’clock in the morning. After we finished our morning routine, we went downstairs to have some delicious breakfast. As we just arrived at our new host family yesterday in the evening, we didn’t know exactly what bus we had to take to get to the centre of Cambridge. After roughly one hour of sitting on the bus, we arrived at the EC school with a few minutes of delay. Our day was very productive because we had a lot of time to mentally prepare for school on the bus. In our lunch break we had some delicious pizza and explored Cambridge with our friends. The plan now was to take the bus from outside the Grafton Shopping Centre in order to get to the Imperial War museum, which we would be visiting today. As usual, with 50 students on one bus it was very rowdy and everyone was having fun with their friends. Right when we arrived, we were presented with a challenge which included questions from a lot of different exhibits, which were all very impressive and interesting. Due to a lot of pictures, videos, statues, old aircrafts from the Second World War, and depictions of battlefields, we all became more aware of how terrible war and its consequences are. We ended this formidable trip by having a lot of fun on a playground that was actually meant for toddlers and younger kids, but let’s just say we didn’t let us stop that from having a very funny and merry time.
Yours,Victoria and Hannah. 5b
My morning began with a bad mood on my part, because my roomate Simon woke me up in an uncomfortable way by touching my face with his thick and wet fingers. With a pokerface I greeted my host family and got my breakfast. Maybe today’s breakfast was the most typical British breakfast that we had, as it included pancakes, sandwiches and black-tea with milk .
Then it was the same daily schedule as it had been the 3 days before. Going by bus to EC School, having lunch after school and then having the afternoon programme with our teachers. On that day we had the chance to visit Duxford, an aircraft museum. It took us about 25 minutes to get there. It was really huge and I was uncertain which hangar (out of 9!!!) I should go into. My hopes and expectations died a few seconds later, because Miss Haider handed out some worksheets for the museum. There were questions about the nickname of the DH9 plane or about why soldiers used certain helmets. So I didn't have enough time to see some of these spectacular airplanes and was again in a bad mood again. The buildings and hangars were incredibly huge and I think that it's impossible to see all aeroplanes and weapons from the World Wars. My favourite aeroplane was the DH9, which has a nice and classical design. It was a revolutionary plane, but it had a limited and underpowered engine.
After 2 hours we went back to Cambridge to our host families and needed to recover, because we will only stay in England for 4 more days and need the energy to enjoy our last days here. So we prepared everything for the next day, we wrote our texts, got washed and waited for the next sunrise...
By Viktor Duong 5a