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Day 4


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Today was a really excited day even though we had to get up early because we had to be at the train station at 8:30 a.m. As we were really late we drink a hot chocolate and some English breakfast tea at a nice café called Nero. Accidentally, Hannah spilt her tea on her legs. Due to that we had to head to the bathroom and blowdry her jeans. As we were running late we just left the cafe with a wet Hannah . After sitting on the train for an hour, we finally arrived in London.

The weather wasn't really nice. Unfortunately, it was a cloudy and cold day. At first  we went on the Tube to the London Eye and we were also able to see Big Ben. For some of us it was really exciting because it was her first time ever taking the underground and also being in a metropolis like london. Then we were able to do whatever we wanted for one hour. We walked along the river Thames, which was really nice because we talked a lot (in English of course :) )  and some of us had delicious chips. Then we met up at the Black Friars Bridge to decide whether we should go to see Tate Modern or to Tower Bridge. The majority of us chose the walk down to Tower Bridge and so we did. Tower Bridge is so huge, it was simply breathtaking. On the way to the nearby underground station a few students got lost because they couldn't see the „flying foxes“ which Ms Mair and Mr Bucher held up in the air as a sign for us. After we finally were together as a group again, we went to Oxford Street. There we spent one and a half hour just on shopping. For some this was the best part of the day. The last thing we did was going to Madame Tussaud‘s. The wax figures were amazing. They were so realistic. We  really liked the Queen, we thought the real Queen is standing in front of us. But all the other figures were gorgeous, too. We went back to Cambridge by train and arrived there at  20:15. We have to admit all of us were really tired.

The day was super cool. We are glad that we can make experiences like these. 


Greetings from England, 

Gefjon Kraft  and Hannah  Koppelstaetter 5a




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