Day 11
"Trrrrr!" That is the kind of noise which we have heard at 07:00 a.m. every day since we arrived 10 days ago. But this time we knew: It will be the last time. Well, after we had freshened up, we went downstairs to eat breakfest with our host family. We had a typical breakfest meal, which consists of toast and cereals. Subsequently, we got ready for the taxi which arrived at 11:30 a.m.. Before we flew 2 hours back home, we had had to drive 2 hours on a private bus to the Heathrow Airport. After travelling with English means of transport, we finally were able to speak to foreigners in our native language again. Unfortunately, two of our suitcases got lost on the way. ( Do not worry, they will be forwarded to the owners on Monday. ) - a leap into the present - So, right now, we're sitting on the bus on our way back home and we were told that we would probably arrive at 01:00 p.m.
in Hall. ( Fingers crossed that it won't be later. ) Oh, of course, most of us are really excited to see our family again! :)
by Katharina Erler and Emma Nussbaumer 5a

Now it was time to leave England. The suitcases were packed and we are ready to be picked up by a taxi up and taken to the coach waiting on Mansell Way , which will bring us to the airport. Everyone was excited to go home. Unfortunately, we had to wait for our plane ( British Airways ) to take off. It was supposed to fly out at 18:30 but it had a 20min delay. The flight took 2 hours. At Munich everyone was waiting for their suitcases. All got their suitcases except two of us ( one oft hem was me / KAAN / ). The suitcases of both of us will not be sent home until Monday at least Tuesday. Due to this luggage mishap, our bus left an hour later, which kept our parents waiting for us or even get up again as we did not reach the Haller Schwimmbad before 1.15 in the night.
by Kaan Ugurlu and Simon Tusch 5b