Day 5
Today our group visited London again and we woke up early because we were very excited to see the Harry Potter Studios.
But first we had breakfast with our host family to be prepared for this long day.
At 8:30 we met up with friends and shared a taxi to Parker´s Piece, where our teachers and schoolmates waited.Then we started to London by coach. After about one and a half hour we reached Regents Park.
Together with our teachers, the group went to Camden Market. Here we could eat something and certainly went shopping. There were a lot of people from all over the world and it is not so expensive as on Oxford Street.
At about 13:50 we all met up again after a few complications and our next stop was finally the Harry Potter Studios. It was very exciting to see how they make the masks and do special effects. The little models of Hogwarts and the forbidden forest with all the spiders were very cool!! To see, how much effort it was to create all things that can be seen in the movies, was so interesting.
In my opinion, everybody should visit it once in his life, because you can see and taste many things there, for example butterbeer.
There are also a lot of shops to buy souvenirs from the films.
Now we are on the way back to our host families, it is already late and we are tired from all the wonderful impressions we got today!
by Luca Hupfauf and Ahmad Hosseini 5b


Our day started at 7 o‘clock in the morning. We took a taxi with Jasmin and Lara to get to „Parker’s Piece“. Over there we were waiting for our classmates in the cold. After thirty minutes we entered our coach to go to London. At midday the weather became warmer. We arrived at „Camden Market“ after 1 and a half hours.
At the market the streets were full with people and the mood was unique . Then our group had about 3 hours to go shopping and to eat something. At quarter past 2 both classes went to the „Harry Potter Museum“ by coach We were very lucky that we were already in the building when the rain started. The attractions were stunning and it was very interesting to see how the movies were made. Both of us enjoyed our visit of this museum although we are no Harry Potter Fans.
At quarter past 7 started our return journey to Cambridge started. Everybody was tired and after this exhausting day we went to bed at 10 o‘clock.
by Daniel Piller and Bernhard Gmeiner 5b