Day 9
Today, April the 19th, lots of things happened.
The best thing that happened was when we went
bowling at the “Tenpin” bowling centre. It took us from
half past two to four and we played two games, each
consisting of ten rounds. We both had the same
amount of points in the first game.
A few hours before we had had our lessons in EC school,
where we designed our own vacation-posters for our
fictional countries, which we had designed in previous
lessons. Because it was our last day at school, we got
some kind of diploma. Everybody finished EC school
with 100%. If someone hadn't had 100%, they would
have been really disappointed.
In the later afternoon some of us went playing football
in Fulbourn, where we played for an hour. If I (Oliver
Zenz) hadn't tackled Oliver Weber brutally, he wouldn't
have been injured. We had to carry him to the bus
stop, because he couldn't bend his knee.
When we arrived at our host family's home, we ate
pizza and eventually went to bed.
by Oliver Heiss and Oliver Zenz 5b

We woke up around 6:45 a.m., alert by the warming sunbeams. We had breakfast with our host family, who had prepared everything for us. After we had got ready for the last day in EC school, we left home around 7:45 a.m. in the morning. We arrived slightly delayed at school where every group moved on with their various topics. In the last ten minutes our course manager Daniela joined our lesson und gave each one a diploma. After school had finished at 11:45 Valentin, Kaan, Simon, Movsar and I went to the mall in Cambridge called “Grand Arcade” where we shopped some clothes and had lunch at Starbucks.
Afterwards we went to our meeting point at the bowling hall where our head teacher Mr. Hofmann (with a stunning hairstyle), our English teacher Mrs. Filipiak (with whom Valentin and I went shopping one day ago), Mrs. Lebitsch (the English teacher of 5b) and Mrs. Mair (our immaculate group leader) waited. We divided up into groups of five and went in. It was so much fun! We bowled the hell out of our fingers and scored strikes and spares all the time.
Around 17:30 our teacher released us and some students went home, some others went back to the city.
Valentin and I went back home and had dinner with our host family and at 11 p.m. we went to bed.
Thanks to our teacher for these days until now - especially for this evening
by Felix Platzer 5a and Valentin Posch 5a